BEHIND THE SCENES (right-click, open image in new tab for higher resolution, if available) Last document update: 2022-Jun-02, 14:14
NIMWEGEN SEMICONDUCTORS LTD. (Cyberpunk Ambient BGM Live Stream)
Date (Y-M-D): 2021-JAN-15
Setup: cubase streaming MIDI to Roland JV-2080, running 5-part multitimbral patch. MIDI-Thru to Wayfar MIDINES for visuals on Commodore Amiga 1081 CRT screen (with Panasonic WJ-AVE3 in video signal chain). Stereo audio output from JV-2080 goes through Radial JDI duplex DI box into Apogee Duet with soft limiting activated. No additional processing.
LOHEGRIN SYSTEMS CONSORTIUM (Synthesizer Ambient Sketch)
Date (Y-M-D): 2021-JAN-09
Samples were recorded directly into the Akai S1000 (with sample rate lowered to 22,05 kHz / bandwidth of 10 kHz for extra lo-fi bliss), sourced from the Waldorf Microwave 1, Roland JV-2080 and E-mu Morpheus.
XWAVEDORF 2020 (Synthesizer Ambient Sketch)
Date (Y-M-D): 2020-DEC-27
I'm currently rebuilding my synth setup and getting things ready for 2021. Here is a little sketch I made, utilizing the recently acquired Waldorf Microwave. Two layers of Microwave, one layer of E-Mu Morpheus, two layers of Roland JV-2080, one layer of Korg WaveStation and one layer of Akai S1000 playing a sample sourced from the JV-2080.
Date (Y-M-D): 2020-JUN-24
Assembling Cyberspace Database physical release, regular and boxed edition. The physical release will be available on my Bandcamp page in a couple of weeks (late July / early August).
Collection of CRT screens + a couple of vintage computers.
From top left to bottom right: SEG VCR California, Old PC (i386), Sun Microsystems CD (Model 411) and Tape (Model 811) Drives, Sun SparcServer 10 and SparcStation 5, IBM PS/1, Panasonic AG-5260, Grunding TV, Compaq 151FS, IBM PS/1 SVGA, Minitel, Bosch CCTV CRT Monitor (2x), Old TV, Commodore Amiga 1081, Epson FlexScan F563-T, Bosch, Grunding TV.
Music studio back in 2009. This is the place where Memory Machine was made. Before that, I created many noise / experimental rock albums for
I contacted a recycling company if they could help me out, with letting me search through their “E-Waste” for some old screens. They were very supportive and we could arrange an appointment. Today we visited their HQ and they showed us a whole truck full of stuff to dig through. I found 6 nice old 4:3 TFT screens and on top of that, the find of the day was a Compaq 151FS from 1992. Really didn't expect to find such a nice old CRT in that truck.
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